2IMINED projektu komanda, kuru pārstāv 6 valstis - Beļģija, Bulgārija, Itālija, Latvija, Lietuva, Rumānija – izveidoja e-platformu migis.eu. Tās galvenais mērķis ir palīdzēt imigrantiem veiksmīgāk integrēties uzņemošajā sabiedrībā. Izglītības rīka unikalitāte - palīdz imigrantiem, kuriem nav vai ir ļoti maz zināšanu uzņēmējvalsts valodā, sociokulturālajā dzīvē, tradīcijās, noteikumos utt. Tā ļauj iegūt visu nepieciešamo informāciju vienā vietā. Tā noved pie veiksmīgas imigrantu integrācijas. Viņiem ir iespēja brīvi, ātri un ērti piekļūt visai nepieciešamajai informācijai, izmantojot dažādas tēmas, piemēram, Veselības aprūpe, Darbs, Vēsture utt.
Projekta numurs – 2016-1-LT01-KA204-023223.
Mēs aicinām imigrantus un viņu izglītotājus izmēģināt e-apmācības rīku www.migis.eu.
Successful and dignified immigrants' integration
The number of immigrants in the EU countries is constantly growing. In recent years, due to military conflicts in the Middle East countries, the wave of immigrants has become enormous - only in 2015. more than 300 thousand people arrived (People's Information Office, 2014; ABC News, 2015; Eurostat Statistics Explained, 2017).
As the geography of immigrants is expanding the European Union in a serious response to this challenge encourages measures for the integration of immigrants, among which emphasizing the exceptional role of educational tools. Klaipeda University coordinates the 2IMINED „Erasmus+ project’’, in which partners from universities in Italy, Romania, Belgium, Bulgaria and Latvia are taking part, as well as non-governmental organizations with experience in dealing with problems of integration of immigrants, making various research in the field of education of adult immigrants, and directly providing various services for immigrants (consultations on social, legal, education, health, etc. issues); state language training; organising social and cultural events for immigrants, etc.) in order to ensure integration of this socially vulnerable group of high quality into the social, cultural and public life of the host country.
Most of the measures offered to immigrants are aimed at solving individual problems (for example, only in the training of a particular national language, only information on employment, etc.), therefore the project team has developed an e-platform, which includes interactive detailed information on the host country. On the e-platform of the project, immigrants will be provided with the information on how to behave at hospital, what to do in the case of their children‘s illness, where they can learn national language for free, what to do if you want to recognize the qualifications acquired in your home country, how to deal with children in the host country, etc.
Taken into account the fact that this learning tool must be comprehensive, freely accessible and suitable for use by all immigrants (inspite of their education, qualifications, age, gender, etc.), strict compliance with its requirements was made in setting it up: all partner countries have to submit the material according to particular highly relevant and necessary topics for immigrants enabling them to gain knowledge and understanding of the host country's social, cultural and public life (for example, basic information on a country, education for immigrants, health care, culture, language learning opportunities in the country they arrived to etc.); material has to be provided in short sentences in plain language; it must contain links, where additional information can be searched for, etc.
We hope that productive cooperation in the project will contribute to successful and dignified integration of immigrants.
„Erasmus+’’ Strategic Partnership project on Adult Education No. 2016-1-LT01-KA204-023223 is being implemented.